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St Ambrose scores

Posted: Sat Apr 20, 2013 12:55 pm
by Cupcake
Does anyone know what the scoring system is for St Ambrose? Is it standardised scores in the same way as SGS and AGGS/AGSB?

Re: St Ambrose scores

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2013 12:15 pm
by Altymumof2
The school didn't seem to be very forthcoming about their exam and marking system last year. Perhaps it's a good thing so that the boys can't be over-prepped! After the exam, DS said their were about 100 VR and English questions and around 50 maths plus an essay. The pass mark was 315 out of either 400 or 415. Sorry I can't be more specific but we were given very little information beforehand so I'm only going off what DS told me! :?: