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Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2007 12:09 am
by HopefulDen
A few questions
Anyone got any idea of the examination dates for 2007?

Also a friend of mine whose son has just passed recommended the Susan Daughtrey books as the best. Does anyone else have any recommendations?

At the moment I'm brushing up on my son's vocabulary and word knowledge-when would anyone say is the best time to start practice papers without puttimg the pressure on too early?-I don't want him to struggle with them and lose confidence

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2007 7:46 am
by Newbie But Stressed
Hi Hopeful Den.

You will receive a letter sometime in June/July confirming dates of the exam.

Based on previous years the first exam is last week November and second exam first week December.

Last years exam was sat 27th Nov and 5th December. So I imagine unless they change drastically will be around this time.

I did not use Susan Daughtrey books so really can't comment on them Patricia will probably read and comment. You need to make sure the 21 types of questions are covered on these books.

For your info I used IPS, and the ones from the Tutors papers from here and another Website elsewhere. (don't think I can disclose the other one).

I don't think giving a practice paper once a week now is not unreasonable. But make sure your child is understanding the questions more and not so concerned about getting 90% + at this stage.

Just make sure you have the correct practice papers and not missing half the question type otherwise your child will be in for a shock come the exam.

Good Luck


Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2007 10:55 am
by Guest
Hi Den

Before you go out and buy any practice papers have a look at the free CD demo from The Tutors on this site. This covers all 21 types of questions currently used in the Wirral tests.




Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2007 4:17 pm
by HopefulDen
Thanks for this
I do intend buying the CD Rom as I know he'll like this but I also want to get him used to the printed papres too.His school is using Bond which I am becomming aware does not have all of the question types. I have recommended this site to other parents in my son's school but I haven't spotted any of them at the forum yet. I think some parents on the Wirral seem to pay for tutors and leave them and the teachers at school to it but I have a feeling from reading this site that parental involvement and interest is the key-any advice gratefully received.

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2007 5:34 pm
by Mike
Hi Denise

Could you imagine cramming for the DVLA theory test using their handbook from the 1980´s then finding that the actual test is based on their current handbook!!!!!



That´ll make Patricia smile.

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2007 5:36 pm
by hermanmunster

I think some of the 11 plus dates may change this year as there will be many LEA wanting to ensure that parents know the results of the tests before they fill in the CAF (common application form).

This will mean that some places will be doing the exams in September


Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2007 5:51 pm
by Mike

I don´t think there are many LEAs that care whether parents know the results or not.

About six years ago the Wirral test was held in January/February then it was moved to November/December.

Irrespective of the dates of the tests the LEA do not give reults out until the beginning of March.

So CAF will be mostly irrelevant to the dates of the tests, as will be the opinions of parents.



Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2007 6:16 pm
by Appeal Mum
I totally echo you mike.

I really don't think the LEA could give two hoots as to parents making an informed choice after results are known.
There has been "talk" about it for many years but thats exactly what it is.


Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2007 8:00 pm
by gloucestermum
Gloucestershire LEA will be informing parents of the 11+ results before the CAF deadline.The CAF has to be returned by 7th December,with a 2 week turnaround between test and results given to parents.


Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2007 9:52 pm
by Appeal Mum
Hi Gloucestermum,

I was referring specifically to Wirral LEA. They seem to have a "If it’s not broken why fix it" attitude.

I think as a parent we should have the right to make an informed decision about choice of secondary schools. But as it stands here I cannot see it changing to accommodate parent’s wishes.
