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Analogies/Relation type questions

Posted: Sat Jun 24, 2006 11:58 am
by patricia
Dear All

I have been asked to re post the following 'tutorial' which I originally posted under the Bucks section.

Children often fall into traps with this type of question. I first explain to my children that the CONNECTION HAS to be the SAME in each line.

That CONNECTION is one of 4 [opposite, similar, a relation,a spelling]

1] Opposite in meaning

Contest is to [game, football,agree] as Light is to [ sun, lamp, heavy]

Child sees game next to contest, immediate mindset, difficult to get the fact that contest also means, don't agree. Light put next to sun and lamp, mindset. light comes from sun etc, however it also describes the weight of something. As the only one from the 4 that applies to both sets/lines, is OPPOSITES this must be the answer - agree and heavy.

2] Similar in meaning

Dormant is to [ door, asleep, awake] as flaw is to [floor, defect, tiles]

First set has one word with same meaning and one word that is opposite, Second set has one word that is a homophone, one that is the same, as both lines have to have SAME connection, must be the words that mean the SAME asleep and defect.

3] A relation

Car is to [road, garage, petrol] as plane is to [hangar, pilot, airport]

First set, car DRIVES on a road, car is STORED in a garage, car RUNS on petrol. Second set, plane is STORED in a hangar.

Found the same connection, STORED in. With relation types, always try to find the SAME words to describe a word in each line, in this case its the word STORED. Other possibilities are....Comes from, is poured from, is a baby of, is the colour, lives in,

4] Spelling. this can be split into 3

a] homophones - reign and rain
b] word has a letter added or removed - part and pat, bake and brake, scent and sent.
c] word has same letters but order changed - laid and dial, madam and madam

Child must remember the answer is one of four options [ opposite, same, relation, spelling] I tell my students to scan both sets first [often the required words jump out at them] if not apply the 4 possibilities.

Hope this helps, re vocab 'problem' can only reiterate my post further up this thread, that scrabble out!!
