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Calling in the dressing up experts.

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2010 2:22 pm
by Tolstoy
Roald Dahl day tomorrow and as I have said before I am rubbish at this sort of thing.

Annoyingly with oldest creative two in secondary it is down to me to kit out the little ones.

Thankfully the littlest has opted to be Danny the Champion of the world. Easy peasy as normal day wear and a big rosette, which even I have manage to make, saying, 'Champion of the world'. Will also give him a bag of raisins minus the alcohol of course :wink: , It was raisins wasn't it?.

No 3 wants to be James also very easy as normal day wear but how do I do the peach bit. Would have preferred George as have loads of old medicine bottles but he is adamant. I suppose I should be grateful he hasn't opted for the ladybird like a friends daughter :lol:

Remember this has to be simple as I am inept in the creative department and refuse to throw money at the situation.

Re: Calling in the dressing up experts.

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2010 2:43 pm
by inkypinkyponky
Got any cardboard, preferably thick stuff?

Could make a tabard thingy, front and back cut out and shaped like a peach. Paint (or colour in) with red/yellow/white mixture to make peachy colour. (paint on worm too?) Use string as shoulder straps and at sides to tie together.

Make short enough so child can sit down.


Re: Calling in the dressing up experts.

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2010 2:51 pm
by Tolstoy
Thanks for responding Inky.

He doesn't want to be a peach thankfully. I just need some sort of prompt for people to know who he is rather than him being any old generic Dahl boy character. Am tempted to read G's marvellous medicine to him when he gets back and hopefully prompt a change of character.

Re: Calling in the dressing up experts.

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2010 3:10 pm
by solimum
Give him a tin of peaches? Or a punnet of Tesco's (underripe!) fresh ones. Could give them out to any teacher who asks "and who are you?"

Re: Calling in the dressing up experts.

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2010 3:14 pm
by inkypinkyponky
Make a peach-sized-cardboard-peach (even quicker than tabard as smaller!) and he can pretend to munch it or hang it round neck using aforementioned string?!

Re: Calling in the dressing up experts.

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2010 4:39 pm
by Tolstoy
Think I'll have to go with Inky's. Friend did suggest the tin of peaches approach but we don't have them and as I am surrounded by over-ripe pears and plums at the mo buying tin stuff goes against the grain. Still can't convince him to go with the George idea I prefer, more original :roll: .

Anyway older boys home any min so hope in sight.

Re: Calling in the dressing up experts.

Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2010 1:17 pm
by MasterChief
Buy a single peach and say it shrunk!