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Registration procedure for 2007 entry - birmingham UK

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 8:56 pm
by Mrs K
Hi there

I am just about to complete the form for secondry school places. There are 6 opportunities for schools. It states that often if a child has a 1st place school stated they usually get that depends on distance.

What happens if my first few choices are grammar schools? and i put my local comprehensive which is excellent as my 4th? What if my child does not get the grammar place and then does not get the fourth place but which would be my first choice in comp? what if we get allocated a place that we really dont want?

has anyone been in that position?

please help!!

Mrs K

Birmingham LEA preferences

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 10:19 pm
by KenR
Hi Mrs K,

You are probably better asking this question under the Birmingham forum thread.

However I know the answer on this. In the Birmingham LEA procedures, schools do not know what priority order you have put on the LEA preference form. Therefore it makes no difference regarding the order - you will always get your highest priority school if your child meets the criteria.
In the case of the Birmingham Grammar Schools (both KE Foundation and LEA Grammars) this is now solely on the test resulst irrespective of how far you live from the schools. For other schools, including Comps etc this is usually based on distance from the school.

So if you have a good Comp near to where you live then its sensible to put this soimwhere on your priority list.

But if you want your child to attend a Grammar the you MUST put that as your first choice otherwise you will miss out.

I think there are a few expamples in the LEA packs.

Hope this helps.