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What to do when a child has not passed

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 4:47 pm
by readingmummy786
Hello everyone,

My daughter has unfortunately not passed and got 103. She was ill that day and said that she did a lot of rubbing out which may mean that her answers were misread by the computer. I was just wondering that if there was something we could do such as appeal or manually remark. She is a very competent child and had gotten excellent marks in external mock tests and was predicted a pass so it would be a great shame to close this chapter for her. If anyone has any advice on what to next then it would be greatly appreciated.

Re: What to do when a child has not passed

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 4:50 pm
by Jeffers76
Kendrick website says they won’t remark a paper until after 1st March if at all.

Re: What to do when a child has not passed

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 4:58 pm
by anotherdad
Re-marks never seem to change the score. I don't know of a single instance where it has changed after a re-mark but others might have better memories. In Bucks the papers are marked electronically but where the machine can't determine a mark or it's ambiguous, it rejects it and the paper is marked by hand. If that's process for the paper your daughter sat then any ambiguous marks/rubbing out will have been dealt with already.

Re: What to do when a child has not passed

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 5:41 pm
by scary mum
In the Slough FAQs:
All the entrance tests are scanned twice using different hardware and different staff and the results checked against
each other. In the highly unlikely event that there is a variation between the two scans, it is manually investigated
and, if necessary, resolved before the data is uploaded for standardisation No changes have ever been made as a
result of a remark due to the stringency of the process employed when the forms are scanned. The Slough
Consortium Grammar Schools will not undertake any test remarks until after the national offer date (Friday 1
March 2019). The cost of a re-mark would be £50 per paper. Requests for a remark should be made in writing to
the school where your child sat the test.

Re: What to do when a child has not passed

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 5:56 pm
by ToadMum
If your DD was so unwell on the day that you think it may have caused a significant reduction in her ability to perform to her real standard, why didn't you defer to the reserve sitting?

Re: What to do when a child has not passed

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 6:17 pm
by Tinkers
As others have said, a remark can’t be done until after 1st March but is unlikely to change the score. If the answers can’t be read they are manually marked (twice I believe).

If you felt she wasn’t well enough on the day, it would have been wiser for her to sit on the later date.

Re: What to do when a child has not passed

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2018 10:51 am
by elf01
Your DD has done really well and would have passed to Slough schools (pass mark 111, your DD ~113) - so tell her that, tell her 'well done'. Unfortunately Kendrick and Reading are superselective and are getting mostly kids that are either incredibly bright or well trained. Relax - she will do really well if you care - possibly better as she will get lots of attention and the top of her comprehensive and will shine. What is more important is gcse results - no one remembers or asks about the 11+. There is one school for 1000 applicants who are all at the top of their primary class.