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KES Exam Feedback

Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2009 1:27 am
by za1
My son took the KES exam on Friday. His feedback was similar to three friends of his who also took the exam.

- English. Comprehension was tough. Missed 4 questions. Writing exercise - hard to assess.

- Maths - quite easy mostly. 3 questions missed which he said were tough.

- VR - quite easy.

Any other feedbacks?

Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2009 3:38 pm
by mike1880
Slightly different from ours - comprehension was fairly easy, written exercise can't really judge. Maths was fairly easy but missed two or three questions. VR was "medium" - mostly easy, a few tough ones and more questions than he could finish.

The guidance says they use the maths to select scholarship winners and that "the majority will probably make a reasonable attempt at about half of them" so I was expecting him to miss more.

It's a pity the written exercise wasn't an essay from scratch, I suspect he'll have put in a much more slapdash effort as a result. I've had him practising planning and writing and he's been doing really well! Doh!

Supposedly overall about the same as BV, easier than KEGS. We shall see. Especially after last week's practice paper which I deeply regret inflicting, he's really made me pay for it through worry - 50% on English, about 50-60% on maths (I gave up counting). :(

Just one more to go now. At least it's given me something to think about for a few more weeks instead of fretting about March!



Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2009 6:53 pm
by za1
Forgot to say that my son said that he missed about 2 or 3 VR questions out of a 100.

He also said that it was not as hard as the KE exams.

English isn't his strongest point so he found the comprehension the hardest....he did say that his friends also found the comprehension hard and missed some questions.