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A little rant!!

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2012 12:27 pm
by harrydog
Why o why does this 11+ business bring out the worst in people?

My DD been unwell with tonsilitis since Tuesday (posted thread about that one already!) and last night got a call from her friend. Ah how nice I hear you say? No, not really! The 'friend' then went on to relay word for word a conversation she had heard her mum having about my DD! How my DD is going to struggle with test as been ill etc!! :x

Needless to say DD not taken it that well!! I've said just to ignore it as there's always been a little competition between the two and that all the matters is that she tries her best.

Some parents seem to forget that they are 10 year old children!!

Rant over!

Good luck to all DC sitting Essex exam tomorrow. I know the majority of parents will be proud of them regardless of the result. :)


Re: A little rant!!

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2012 2:19 pm
Hi Harrydog,
Not what you needed - how horrible for you both.
I had a little rant yesterday and had a couple of very supportive msgs here - basically saying "shrug your shoulders...don't let it get to you". So - try not to let it upset you, although believe me I know how hard it is.
Hopefully all will go well for you both. HUGS - that's what we all need! :wink:

Re: A little rant!!

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2012 2:52 pm
by Pumpkin Pie
Harrydog, just take no notice of what they have said. Good luck to your DD and I'm sure she will do her very best. Hope the tonsilitis is on the way out, it can be nasty. Ice-cream helps! :wink:

Re: A little rant!!

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2012 7:13 pm
by jojo1
Hi Harrydog,
I messaged your earlier in the week,I've been thinking of your daughter, hope she's feeling better?
I agree to ignore silly comments. The fact our dc are taking the exam is an achievement in itself.
I'm just wondering how many alarms to set? lol :lol: