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Susan Daughtrey VR Technique & Practice Type 16 STD

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 11:39 am
by Reading Mum
We are working our way through the books and doing the exercise quite happily but we have hit a query.

Type 16 - letter patterns or series

XD is to CW as UG is to (_ _)

My daughter got this wrong and so did I. We both put ZZ as we just counted along the alphabet line

OH immediately spotted a mirror with a switch to give FT which was the right answer.

My question, given that we are not MC since we are trying for Kendrick in Berks which is STD format, is 'if there is a mirror option then must the mirror option always be the one to go for?' Our answer seemed valid. If there had been more letter pairs in the exampl there might have only been one possible answer.
Have I missed something obvious?

Re: Susan Daughtrey VR Technique & Practice Type 16 STD

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2012 3:23 pm
by cocoa0101
In theory, I don't believe your answer is incorrect, but you do need to go through the mirroring of the alphabet and warn them to look out for the few that might come up.