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more help with tutors questions!

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2008 6:33 pm
Please can anyone help to explain the following so that i can show to dd

one word from each group to complete sentence in the best way:-

adverb is to:- brave adjective phrase as radish is to hairs vegetable endive

answer brave and hairs


find the missing number_

48 12 8 , 72 18 6, 56 ( ) 7 answer 14

Many thanks once again!


Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2008 6:42 pm
by gloucestermum
The missing number question-

48 divided by 8 is 6 then plus 6 is 12

72 divided by 6 is 12 then plus 6 is 18

56 divided by 7 is 8 then plus 6 is 14

The trick is to find a pattern that links the outer two numbers to the middle one-my DS took a while to get the hang of these.

The words question-not sure,but is it that the second word can be made out of the first???

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2008 7:01 pm
by patricia
Dear Blanca

The analogy:

adverb is to [brave adjective phrase]

as radish is to [hairs vegetable endive]

Analogies are one of 4

1] opposite in meaning
2]Similar in meaning
3] The same relationship/connection
4] Spellings

4] can be split into:

Homophones: stake/steak
Anagrams: siren/risen
Revesing the letters: laid/dial
Adding/taking away letters: car/cart or part/car
Adding/taking away letters then rearranging the letters left to make a new word.

adverb is to brave ... take away the D averb = brave

as radish is to hairs ... take away the D raish = hairs


Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2008 7:02 pm
by bucks mum1
I guess it is because you can make the word 'brave' from the letters in adverb and like wise you can make the word 'hair' from the letters in radish! Can't recall seeing many like this before although I have seen words spelt in reverse.

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2008 7:53 pm
Thank you all so much

I would never of worked it out on my own. will show dd

thanks again