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Will Tiffin Yr 7 Boys be affected by their KS2 SATs?

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 9:54 pm
by JaysDarlin
Does anyone know whether or not the KS2 SATS will determine which "sets" the children will be put into in Tiffin?

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 3:19 pm
by JaysDarlin
Well, seeing as no one has replied, yet 108 have viewed, I rang them up and they told me that the children wont be put into "sets" according to ability. :D

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 6:43 pm
by Guest55
The levels will be important though as the Secondary school will be judged on the progress from these!!

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 8:23 pm
by JaysDarlin
Thanks for that input Guest55,

I dont quite follow what you mean by:
the Secondary school will be judged on the progress
Will the child be judged, or the Secondary School? :?:

I'm just wondering if we need to slog our guts out for the SATs and jump through all the neccessary hoops?

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 9:16 pm
by Nxx

Don't know if this helps, but my friends daughter sat the Wally Girls two years ago, and when she passed the exam and started Wally that year, the Yr 6 SATS scores were used to determine which sets the girls went into. :?

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 10:42 pm
by Guest55
Schools are judged on the progress pupils make - more will be expected if level 5s are achieved i.e. grades A/A* at GCSE.

Level 4s might only be expected to reach grade B -

As a teacher I take more notice of the KS2 levels [and the actual mark] than the 11+ result -

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 10:51 pm
by JaysDarlin

Do you think it would affect my ds if he wasn't at a Level 5 before getting into secondary school? Would he be able to pull himself up once there? If the schools don't put him into sets, would he still be discriminated against, purely from his SATs results?

Thanks for all your advice, I appreciate it.

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2009 10:34 am
by huntlie
Surely he should be a Level 5 anyway if he is going to Tiffin? Or to put it another way, if he is a level 4 pupil then presumably he is not really Tiffin material? Level 4 SATS generally equates to B at GCSE.

The Head at my GD's Grammar School told parents 'not to even think about' putting their daughters in for the 11+ unless they had got at least high Level 4for everything at the end of Year 5, and were predicted level 5 at end Year 6.

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2009 10:41 am
by huntlie
Excuse me, but re the Wally girls and sets - surely if they have passed the 11+ at a high enough level to be at Wally girls, they ought ALL to be Level 5 or more?

Or is this yet more evidence to show that pupils are being trained to pass the exam but are really not academic at all - just able to jump through that particular hoop?

There is some evidence for this from people such as my grandson's godmother, who is an English tutor - without exception, all her private pupils are girls at Grammar school whose English is poor, who are often barely able to write a paragraph, and who often have only Level 4c in Writing at Year 6 SATS - yet gained marks like 364 in the 11+!

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2009 11:24 am
by geling
Oh, JaysDarin, you raised an interesting question here again. I phoned them and asked the same question at the beginning of the summer term. Yes, they don't put kids into different classes according to the results of Sats or entrance exams. The boys are divided into 5 forms (classes) based on "the various factors", I have been told. However, Sats and KS2 results are very important ( the higher, the better!) , because they will privide you the solid academic foudation in future study.

"Would he still be discriminated against, purely from his Sats result?" You asked . My answer to this is 100% No. Once your DS gets in, Tiffin will test him regularly in various subjects , so, before the Chrismas time , you will be called in to have one to one discussion with your form tutor in a relaxed and friendly way (Your DS will also attend the meeting). Your DS's Tiffin life starts from here.... I don't remember Tiffin even asked for the KS2 or Sats results ? No worries! But, may I stress: KS2 or Sats results determine how your Ds's academic performance at Tiffin.