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Can someone explain a few questions about SATS please?

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 5:46 pm
by MelW
Can someone please explain the following to me please;

Are KS2 Sats based on work the children have done in Year 6 only (i.e from Sept) or is it from Year 5 as well?

Are the test topics generally the same year after year?

Is it true that above roughly 65% is a level 5?

Thank you!

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 6:45 pm
by Guest55
It's the whole of KS2 as it test levels 2 to 5 - a level five is approx 78% in Maths.

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 6:58 pm
by Guest
It will be based on the whole of KS2. Not all schools teach topics in the same order. For example, schools with mixed age classes may follow a 2 year rolling program in years 5 and 6. In any case, year 6 work should build upon previous years.

Topics vary within the confines of the curiculum.

Level thresholds vary from year to year. In 2007 the minimum for level 5 was 72.5% in science, 79% in maths and 70% (overall) in English.