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School work

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2008 11:06 am
by herts mum
We have got our appeal next Wednesday I am happy with our academic evidence etc but don't know whether to take in his school work.

His handwriting can be untidy and I don't want it to detract from his other evidence i.e. excellent reports, level 5 SATS at end of year 5, excellent headteachers support.

Will it look bad if we don't take them in? We haven't got anything to hide but wouldn't say they were our strongest evidence.

Any views?

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2008 11:55 am
by yoyo123
You already have good evidence of his academic level perhaps they are not necessary.

could you ask the headteacher whether they would be useful or not ?

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2008 12:02 pm
by camden
Hi Herts Mum!
I'm no expert, but it sounds as though you've got academic evidence to die for and so his school books can't be [u]that[/u]bad!
From advice given here it does seem a good idea to take some work in - tho' sure it's not essential. Also I'm sure that no panel member would expect fantastically perfect work from any I say tho' I'm no expert. My son's work sounds similar - for what it's worth I think we'll risk taking some in with us.
Good luck on Wednesday!

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2008 12:06 pm
by camden
Did you see the "Taking Textbooks into appeal" post with informed replies from Etienne 7 Capers123? Might be helpful!

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2008 12:19 pm
by herts mum
Thanks for that!
Feel like I am on countdown now and starting to panic. Will take some work in but not focus too much on it.

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2008 12:44 pm
by mummmm
We were in a similar position with our appeal as far as sats and head support goes. i thought long and hard about this. you only have a 20 min slot. this soon goes. i decided not to take school work with me simply because i was so nervous i didnt want to have anything to divert me from the hard facts. ie other school tests/heads report and letter. I spent most of my appeal going through those things and the last five mins on mitigating curcumstances. We were successful.
good luck

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2008 12:47 pm
by mummmm
ps. my daughters handwriting isnt great either